Over the past few years, the ArtBuild Hotel Group team has been implementing a turn-key hotel project in Lviv. We developed a concept, a financial and economic model and a design concept for interiors, accompanied the design and construction management processes, and attracted an international brand. Now we are dealing with issues of equipping and managing the hotel.
The project is located in the historic city center at the following addresses: 4-6 Shevskaya str. and 1/3 Krakovskaya str. A feature of the project is its location in volumes of 4 historical buildings, which are architectural monuments that are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Each building has a different configuration, ceiling height, room layout, often insufficient natural lighting, etc. Moreover buildings cannot be demolished, rebuilt, or their layout changed, because the use of architectural monuments is carried out in accordance with the rules introduced by the cultural heritage protection authorities.

As a result, the project is an upper midscale hotel with 70 rooms with a restaurant, lobby, lounge area, fitness room and a business center. The process of construction and reconstruction is already behind, at the final stage – the decoration of rooms, hotel equipment, testing of facade lighting, etc.

The project in Lviv is one of the most technologically complex projects in the portfolio of our company. The unique experience that we gained in the process of its implementation allows us to confidently take on projects of any configuration and complexity. We guarantee that our Customers will receive the best and most effective solution in the hotel market of Ukraine.