ABHG, represented by managing partner of ABHG Alexei Evchenko, takes an active part in the development of National purpose-oriented programme of tourism and resorts development for the period through to 2022. The project originator of this Programme is The State Agency of Ukraine on Tourism and Resorts in accordance with Ordinance of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from August 1, 2013 №638 «Concerning Conception Approval of National purpose-oriented programme of tourism and resorts development for the period through to 2022». The project of the Programme must be worked out and submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine till December 1, 2013.

The basic tasks of National programme of tourism and resorts are following:
- increasing the number of tourists, especially international tourists;
- creating new vacancies;
- increasing the volume of rendered services;
- rising of GDP;
- increasing the volume of budget revenue on all levels from the realization of tourist activity;
- creating the conditions of the rendering tourist services for the individuals with disabilities, including impairments of vision, hearing and locomotor apparatus etc.
The working team was gathered for the development of the project Programme, which will include the list of the branch problems, variants of their solutions, plan of actions, expected results, and the information about volumes and sources of financing. It includes state official, social and industry organizations, in particular ABHG, which have already made the proposals according to the obligated system of the hotels categorization in Ukraine.
The whole text of the Ordinance and Programme concept is here: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/638-2013-р.